【新聞】NBA/ Irving捐款32.3萬幫助武漢肺炎導致的食物問題

發表於 2020/03/24 07:00
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今日籃網後衛Kyrie Irving宣布,他將捐款32.3萬美元,與Feeding America組織合作,幫助解決武漢肺炎導致的食物問題。


根據NBA記者Howard Beck報導,捐款數額之所以為32.3萬美元,原因之一是Irving的生日(3月23日),另一個原因則是向他的偶像——今年剛去世的前湖人球星Kobe Bryant致敬(3+2+3=8,8號為科比曾身穿的球衣號碼)。

此前,Irving所在的籃網共有Kevin Durant在內的4名球員確診感染武漢肺炎。


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Thank you all for the birthday love, I’m extremely grateful for the support. Seeing the effects of COVID-19 reach our loved ones, our schools, our jobs, and access to food has really impacted me. I am excited to partner with @feedingamerica and @lineagelogistics to launch the Share A Meal campaign to help marginalized communities get the food resources they require during this time, and to work with our local partner @cityharvestnyc to distribute 250k meals to my neighbors in need across the NY area. In addition to that I am donating $323k to Feeding America and @lineagelogistics will match $200k of what we raise together. I am asking my fans, friends, family and partners to join me in helping our communities by donating at the link in my bio. Thank you to everyone on the front line working to keep all of us safe, healthy, and fed. Together we can change the world one small gesture at a time.

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