Aaron Gordon對於自身傷勢的心理狀態有
昨日金塊以不敵尼克,而賽後金塊記者Katy Winge在推特上更新了動態,其中內容表示總教練Michael Malone分享了Aaron Gordon的傷勢更新,並且透漏了Gordon目前的心理狀態。
針對Aaron Gordon的傷勢狀態,記者Katy Winge在報導中指出:
「Malone教練表示他今天和AG(Aaron Gordon)聊了許久,而這種小腿肌肉拉傷對Gordon的心理和精神上的打擊尤其大。AG當時表現得非常出色,精神狀態也很好,但目前還沒有具體的回歸時間表,球隊會採取謹慎的做法。」
賽季至今Aaron Gordon出戰了7場比賽,場均可攻下15.4分、6.7籃板、3.1助攻,投籃命中率為52.9%,三分命中率為54.5%。
Coach Malone said him and AG talked for a while today. Malone shared this calf injury has been particularly tough for Gordon mentally. AG was playing at such a high level, and he’s in good spirits, but no time table yet for return. Malone said they are going to be smart. https://t.co/NqWU1PFK0o
— Katy Winge (@katywinge) November 26, 2024