
發表於 2018/11/26 18:00
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我之前一直不敢發聲,但今天我的生命遭到了威脅。在此之前,我經歷了性騷擾、威脅和擺佈,而加害者正是我曾懷有敬意的前男友—— NBA球員德懷特- 霍華德,以及他的團隊。他那大不敬的人渣牧師甚至還想仙人跳我。

原文:I was afraid to speak but today my life was threatened after I was sexually harassed, threatened and manipulated, by someone I respected, my ex boyfriend NBA player Dwight Howard, and his camp also “”catfished”” by his disrespectful ass PASTOR


原文:Before we start, I just need to say this is really about his team and his crooked PASTOR threatening my life over an unsigned NDA and he has been trying to intimidate ME into taking “hush money” for what they did to me.


原文:I met Dwight a while back, at Wild N Out to be exact, we made eye contact, and a week later he was in my DM's. I'm use to dealing with celebrities so automatically I told him hit me from his “finsta” (fake page) so our convo wouldn't get leaked, I mean he is a “Legend”

我是在挺久以前第一次遇見霍華德的,準確地說是在相聲演員Nick Cannon的《Wild 'n Out》專場活動中相遇的。我們的眼神不由自主地碰撞。而一周後,他就跑來私信我。那我也不是第一天跟社交名流們打交道了,所以我自然而然地就告訴他要從“ finsta ”(假的Ins個人主頁)上跟我交流,這樣以來我們之間的對話就不會被洩露。他也是真的老江湖啊。

原文:Conversation started, escalating to nudes being sent, escalating to me blowing his mind and him calling me every night on instagram video chat. Time went by and shit started getting serious!


原文:He was fine, 6'11, goofy, very charming, NO WIFE and NEVER been married so of course I was interested. I kept it real with him, and he kept it real with me about everything EXCEPT 1 THING.....


Fast forward, I'm finally face to face with Dwight! And after that day, from my understanding we had a understanding. So I'll just upload this screen record here just in case his team decides to lie. (Ain't no girl gon ask you this)
















原文:Fast forward, he's in season and I was unable to travel to every game but every night he'd call me and pretty much same ol same ol

再後來,他要打常規賽了,而我不可能每晚都跟隨他去每個客場,但是每一天都晚上,他都會給我打電話,基本上就還是老樣子哈哈  電話錄音戳我>>

原文:So I find out that he is basically sleeping with someone else..... and here is how that went


原文:So this is the someone else, A transgender prostitute that he ALSO had a “understanding” with


原文:I thought my good sis was a prostitute but as my friend took a deeper look into her page, she actually host TRANSGENDER SEX PARTIES that Dwight Howard (allegedly) often attends, so YES, I lost every bit of my mind


原文:So this is how that damn conversation went. Typical guy, LYING. I didn't mind cheating but you're “allegedly” at transgender SEX PARTIES sticking your penis in everyone raw? Okay Magic Johnson 2.0 with amnesia


原文:My relationship with Dwight pretty much was over in my eyes, especially after he threatened to “beat the sh*t out of me” of course I'm mouthy and threatened him back and said harsh things.


原文:SO THIS IS WHERE THE STORY BEGINS.... So one day, I started getting private calls, I was told that it was Dwight, I entertained a couple conversations but turns out IT WAS NOT DWIGHT!


原文:I began to be STALKED and harassed by this person FOR DAYS. They even called from Russia


原文:So I decided to download a app called “Trap Call” which tells you whose calling you private and come to find out, it is Dwight Howard's goddamn PASTOR (allegedly) Calvin Simmons

所以我就決定下載一個叫“ Trap Call ”的App,它可以告訴你是誰從私密電話號碼給你打的電話,結果我發現那其實是霍華德的牧師(尚未被證實)—— Calvin Simmons。

So girls, this is our good homophobic SIS.... Miss Calvin Simmons (allegedly)

(312) 439-1880

妹子們把眼睛擦亮了,這就是那個恐同牧師的妻子(尚未被證實),電話號碼為(312) 439-1880

原文:Calvin works for Dwight and Calvin begun to get irate, disrespectful and homophobic as I continued to deny his “hush money” and said I wasn't signing the NDA! He tried to insult my intelligence telling me Dwight doesn't know me and “I never spoke to dwight ” Despite me meeting him


原文:(Allegedly) Calvin and Dwight's camp begun to tell me things like “we know where you're at” “we are watching you” “we saw what building you came out of” and even went as deep to telling me “You gon find a new residence”


原文:So at this point, I am afraid for my life, I'm panicking, I'm having anxiety attacks and for a whole week I was bullied by Dwight's team and Dwight Howard stood there and allowed his team to harass me, and I became a “faggot in a wig” when Dwight is a 6'11 BOTTOM

所以到了這個時候,我為自己的人生安全感到很擔驚受怕,我慌了,各種恐慌症發作,整整一周的時間裡,我都被霍華德團隊各種霸凌。而霍華德就站在那任由這一切發生,我要是“戴假髮的玻璃”,那霍華德就是2米11的 !

原文:This morning I woke up to a text, stating “you're a dead man walking and you're playing with fire” I have no idea who sent it but I found out from a reliable source Calvin is (Allegedly) a dangerous person and a hypocrite.


原文:I want you guys to know, I have already contacted police but if anything shall happen to ME, this is the truth, here is my proof and I don't want you guys to ever stop fighting for ME and what is right! Dwight Howard is heartless and has the power to stop all this, but he WONT!


原文:If I would have taken that money they would of said I “extorted” him. I didn't like Dwight for his money, I liked him for him.


原文:It's sad people will assume you're doing shit for “fame” when I been lit, I been that nigga on and offline. Dwight ain't no Kobe, he ain't MJ, he ain't LeBron he ain't even KD. I liked him for who he was and he allowed his people to threaten and disrespect me. Period


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