
發表於 2018/09/04 11:00
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在2006-07 賽季接近尾聲之時,Kobe的場均得分僅僅在5場內就從29.1上升到了31.0。在連續五場比賽里,Kobe接連砍下了65,50,60,50和43的高分。

65 vs Portland

50 vs Minnesota

60 at Memphis

50 at New Orleans

43 vs Golden State

對陣拓荒者拿下65 分,對陣灰狼 50 分,灰熊 60 分,黃蜂 50 分,勇士 43 分。

The Lakers had been on a 7-game losing streak prior to this, including two back-to-back blowout losses of 36 points and 27 points. They had fallen to almost .500, and were in real danger of missing the playoffs in the West.


This is when Kobe went full nuclear mode, scoring 4 straight 50-point games and 5 straight 40-point games. The Lakers won all 5 games, and they needed all of Kobe's points, as they won every game by single digits.




[ – ]CelticsMarcusNotSmart 659指標1天前

He also shot 54/51/93 in that span lmao fucking amazing


[ – ]2girls1ant 140指標1天前

Kobe retains heat better than any player in the history of the game. Guy can have a good first quarter in January and won't miss again till March. It's a joke clowns on this sub even have him as far as outside the top 10 of all time.


[ – ]NBALeJordanBelfort 290指標1 天前

Imagine what Kobe would do with today's spacing


[ – ]LakersCutLonzosHair2017 403指標1天前

Imagine what Kobe would do to switch isolations.


[ – ][NYK] Frank Ntilikinaaoifhasoifha 208指標1天前

Pick and lol.


[ – ]CelticsMexter-Dorgan 210指標1天前

it's like during Celtics-Cavs when LeBron kept getting switched onto Rozier. BBQ Chicken.


[ – ]Lakerscfcforeverfan 78 指標1天前

imagine Kobe doesnt need to play against the best defender all night

imagine Kobe 1 on 1 someone like Harden, omfg



[ – ]TheBurner4567 76指標1天前

That's ridiculously hard to do


[ – ]gun1gugu 67指標1天前

Just WTF... Kobe is probably the hardest player to stop when he gets going, ever... Nobody could stop him in full Mamba mode, when he just "simply" decides to take over the game... double teams, tripple teams, whatever... Just fucking insane


[ – ]Nastraballer 20指標20 小時前

People forget Kobe averaged 35.40 in 05-06, the 8th highest in NBA history. He was a scoring machine for those 4 years but figured out he can't do it alone.

大家都忘了Kobe在20 05-06賽季場均35.40分了,這是NBA歷史上第8高的場均得分。在那4年裡,Kobe就是個得分機器,但是後來他意識到光靠他自己是不行的了。

[ – ]LakersAmnestyTHAT 71指標1天前

"Never the best player in the league"


[ – ]youarepotato 160指標1天前

Everybody loves to hate Kobe but he did things that it's very realistic the league will never see again. I say this because even LeBron, amazing as he is, hasn't scored like a red hot Kobe used to score


[ – ]Cavaliers BandwagonPM_ME_UR_BEST_STORY_ 75指標1天前

I doubt many people would argue that LeBron is a better scorer than prime Kobe


[ – ]SupersonicsThebasedgod_lilb 95指標23小時前

I've literally seen comments saying that Lebron is a better scorer than Kobe because of PPG and TS%. They also call Kobe an overrated scorer because "what only matters is how many points you score, not how you do it"


[ – ]Trail BlazersCletus_Starfish 54指標23小時前

Yeah, that's always been weird to me. LeBron is the better all around player, but Kobe is definitely the more versatile scorer.


[ – ]SupersonicsThebasedgod_lilb 64指標23小時前

It isn't weird because /r/ nba is basically /r/lebron at this point and most of this sub didn't watch Kobe in his prime or don't watch much games at all.


[ – ]LakersHighlyBaked0 34指標23小時前

Same shit is ridiculous. Anyone who watched prime Kobe knows that he was fucking insane


[ – ]Platypus3333 58指標1天前

The reality of basketball is that there are probably more than ten players that belong in the top ten. And that situation will just get worse.


[ – ]itsyaboikuzma 24指標22小時前

There's a good 15 or 16 players that I've seen argued to be in the top 10, and it's really hard to argue them out of it. We can move the goalpost to top 15 players but it just doesn't have the same ring as top 10.


[ – ]PacersToTimesTwoisToo 71指標1天前*

It's always arguable. Only MJ, LBJ and Kareem are your absolute "top 5" guys. Everyone else slides around the top ten, including Kobe.


one thing is for sure. If there ever was a space-jam type scenario where earth needs send any player from any time point to battle against some basketball alien gods to save humanity, you pick MJ, Kobe, then LBJ in that order. No one else is worth considering.

有一件事是確定的。如果真的有《Space Jam》的劇情出現,地球需要從籃球史挑精英球員來對抗外星球的籃球大神來拯救人類,人們一定會依次挑選喬丹、Kobe,然後是詹姆斯。其他任何人都不在考慮範圍內。

[ – ]Lakersmatticans7pointO 21指標1天前

I think it's fair to say Bird, Magic, Duncan, Hawkiem, and Kobe are l pretty closely ranked and interchangeable imo. I personally have Kobe and Bird in my top 5 but I think its 100% understandable for people to have some kind of combination of Duncan, Magic and Hakeem in there instead. At that point you are basically splitting hairs as all are so closely talented and accomplished.


[ – ]PacersToTimesTwoisToo 16指標1天前

Exactly. You can make a great case for any of those guys, depending on what you take into consideration (mentality, dominance, accolades, longevity, era, peak, etc.). But LBJ, MJ, and Kareem pretty much had it all , it would be harder to argue those guys out of the top 5 than to argue Bird/Kobe into the top 5.



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