NBA/ Ray Allen批評人們不戴口罩:無知是美國疫情擴散的最大原因

發表於 2020/07/17 11:00
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前NBA球員Ray Allen今日在Instagram發文批評美國民眾不重視戴口罩的做法。

Ray Allen轉發一張社群媒體評論的截圖,其內容提到:「我戴口罩是因為專家如果是對的話,我可以防止某人感染和死亡。假如專家是錯的,我會很討厭口罩戴在臉上帶來的麻煩」




在 Instagram 查看這則貼文


Why be mad about it? You wear your seatbelt in the car, don’t you? You stop at red lights, don’t you? You do these things to protect yourself and those around you! Just wear your mask, it’s not that complicated. Nobody is asking you to wear a mask all day, only when you go into public spaces where you’re around a lot of people. The comments on this feed show the ignorance of a lot of people in the U.S. The ignorance is a soul reason why America is now the epicenter of the corona virus, and why we have been banned from traveling to other countries, and why we are gonna be dealing with this a lot longer than we should’ve been! Damn people can y’all just give us a month or so of following directions so we can get through this? #itsnotaconspiracy #wearadamnmaskinpublic

Ray Allen(@trayfour)分享的貼文 於 張貼

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