
發表於 2020/03/02 12:00
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今日,Vanessa Bryant更新了個人Instagram,發布了一段律師函,指控洩露直升機失事照片的有關部門,全文內容如下:

“我們的客戶Vanessa Bryant對於洛杉磯警局和洛杉磯消防局公開散發關於丈夫Kobe Bryant 直升機墜毀的現場照片非常心痛。

1月26日,Vanessa親自去警長辦公室要求指定該區域為禁飛區並且其中的照片不可外洩。這對她至關重要,因為她希望保護受害者及其家人的尊嚴。當時,警長Alex Villanueva向我們保證,他將會採取一切措施保護這些家庭的隱私。據我們所知,他一直努力履行這些要求。






在 Instagram 查看這則貼文


CORRECTED: The department at issue is the Los Angeles County Fire Dept (LACoFD) NOT the LAFD KANSAS CITY, Mo.--(repost: BUSINESS WIRE)--Statement From Gary C. Robb, Legal Counsel on Behalf of His Client, Vanessa Bryant: Our client, Vanessa Bryant, is absolutely devastated by allegations that deputies from the Lost Hills Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and Los Angeles County Fire Department publicly disseminated photos from the helicopter crash site. Mrs. Bryant personally went to the Sheriff’s office on January 26th and requested that the area be designated a no-fly zone and protected from photographers. This was of critical importance to her as she desired to protect the dignity of all the victims, and their families. At that time, Sheriff Alex Villanueva assured us all measures would be put in place to protect the families’ privacy, and it is our understanding that he has worked hard to honor those requests. First responders should be trustworthy. It is inexcusable and deplorable that some deputies from the Lost Hills Sheriff’s substation, other surrounding substations and LACOFD would allegedly breach their duty. This is an unspeakable violation of human decency, respect, and of the privacy rights of the victims and their families. We are demanding that those responsible for these alleged actions face the harshest possible discipline, and that their identities be brought to light, to ensure that the photos are not further disseminated. We are requesting an Internal Affairs investigation of these alleged incidents. Mrs. Bryant is grateful to the individual who filed an online complaint exposing these acts of injustice, and for the choice to protect human dignity. We ask that anyone else who has information as to the facts underlying these alleged grievous and shameful incidents contact our office at 816–474-8080 or email via www.robbrobb.com

Vanessa Bryant (@vanessabryant)分享的貼文 於 張貼

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