Joakim Noah。圖/截自推特
前NBA球員Joakim Noah近日參加Out The Mud Podcast節目中接受採訪,而在節目中Noah談到他先前在球場上與LeBron James的爭執。Noah先是肯定了LeBron的實力,但也發表了自己不滿意他的作為。
「LeBron James顯然是NBA最好的球員,但他很傲慢。(我們)落後了20分時,你在用左手罰球、你在球場上跳舞。我對此並沒有好感。」
甫才剛過40歲的LeBron James,本季場均可攻下23.8分、7.7籃板、8.8助攻。
"(LeBron) was obviously the best player in the NBA. But he was arrogant...I let it be known that I wasn't feelin' none of this s--t"
— CHGO Bulls (@CHGO_Bulls) January 8, 2025
— Joakim Noah on his rivalry with LeBron
(via Out The Mud Podcast / Tidal League)