NBA / 馬上找好代班人選 Kevin Ollie將成籃網代理總教練
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根據記者Adrian Wojnarowski消息,籃網在炒掉前總教練Jacque Vaughn之後,馬上找到代理總教練Kevin Ollie,將會在明天開始時間開始接管代理總教練的職務,禮拜五對上暴龍就會上場執教。
ESPN Sources: The Brooklyn Nets are promoting assistant Kevin Ollie to interim head coach. He’ll run practice on Tuesday and start coaching on Thursday vs. the Toronto Raptors.
— Adrian Wojnarowski (@wojespn) February 19, 2024
Ollie過去有13年的NBA生涯,打過11支不同的球隊,在2010結束球員生涯之後,當過UConn大學的教練,過去兩年則是在Overtime Elite指導年輕球員,像是Amen Thompson和Ausar Thompson。
ESPN Sources: The Nets are talking with assistant Kevin Ollie on the interim head coaching job and are expected to talk more today. Ollie — who had a 13-year NBA playing career — won the 2014 NCAA title as UConn’s coach and joined Nets this season after two years running Overtime…
— Adrian Wojnarowski (@wojespn) February 19, 2024
Jacque Vaughn issued a statement to ESPN following his dismissal as Nets coach: “To Joe Tsai, Clara Wu-Tsai, Ollie Weisberg, Sam Zussman, Sean Marks and front office, Nets coaches, staff, players, BSE family and the entire Brooklyn borough: It was a pleasure being your Head…
— Adrian Wojnarowski (@wojespn) February 19, 2024