Tristan Thompson(左)與Shaquille Harrison(右)將加盟湖人。圖/路透
根據ESPN報導指出,湖人在今日簽下Tristan Thompson與Shaquille Harrison,增加球隊季後賽陣容深度。 而為了完成簽約,湖人裁掉了Davon Reed,以保留空間簽下兩位球員。
Tristan Thompson於2021-22賽季出戰57場,場均可攻下6分、5.1籃板 ; Shaquille Harrison本賽季在拓荒者打了5場比賽,場均可攻下8.8分、6助攻。
The Lakers are signing two players today to add depth for the postseason, sources told ESPN. L.A. will sign guard Shaq Harrison, a defensive-minded point guard, and Tristan Thompson, a veteran center with playoff experience on LeBron James’ teams in Cleveland. Both players…
— Dave McMenamin (@mcten) April 9, 2023